In Prague we talk about Space. The Italian Embassy in Prague, in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute, is organising a conference on the conditions for modern access to space. The speaker will be Italian astronaut Colonel Walter Villadei. The 'Space Travel' event will be introduced by the Italian Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Mauro Marsili, and the Embassy's Space Attaché, Maria Cristina Falvella.
In the words of Ambassador Mauro Marsili: "The New Space Economy has profoundly transformed the space sector and simultaneously brought 'space back to Earth', making the benefits of space travel and space-derived applications accessible to all with a significant economic and social effect. Bringing more and more human beings into space, both to travel and to live there, is the next challenge for society.
During his stay in the Czech Republic, Colonel Villadei met with students from the Technical University of Prague to talk about his experience and answer questions about the new standards of spaceflight preparation, visited the European Space Programme Agency (Euspa) and participated in the recording of an episode of Hyde Park Civilizace, the Czech national television programme dedicated to science and contemporary civilisation. Villadei holds a degree in aerospace engineering and specialised in astronautical engineering. After training at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre in Star City, he flew into space on Virgin Galactic's first suborbital mission in 2013 and spent 18 days on the International Space Station in 2024 with the Axiom 3 mission.