The Genoese Maritime-Migratory Pole, composed of the MEI Foundation and the MuMA Institution, is taking part in the tenth edition of the European Congress of Local Governments (ECLG), being held in Mikołajki, Poland. The event, organised by the Institute of Oriental Studies Foundation, brings together over 2,500 participants, including public administration representatives, academics and experts, to discuss global challenges and local solutions.
The Congress, consisting of over 250 events including panels, debates, workshops and conferences, addresses six macro-themes: economics and finance, investment and innovation, culture and tourism, politics and security, society and health, and sustainable development.
In this context, the Polo Genovese has been invited to bring its experience to the panel devoted to 21st Century Museums. Director Pierangelo Campodonico will speak about the twenty years of activity of the Galata Museo del Mare and the recent experience of the Museo dell'Emigrazione Italiana alla Commenda, highlighting strategies to make museums more attractive without losing their identity. A significant comparison that will see the participation of museum institutions from Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, with the Genoese pole as the only representative of Western Europe.
The internationalisation of the Polo Marittimo-Migratorio will continue at the end of March, when the Galata Museo del Mare will host the executive committee of the Icmm (International Congress of Maritime Museums). For the occasion, twenty directors of the world's leading maritime museums will meet in Genoa to discuss the challenges and the future of museum management. "A precious opportunity - concludes a note - to strengthen Genoa's role on the international cultural scene and consolidate strategic partnerships with leading museum institutions".