Collaboration in research and innovation between European countries and Africa is key to tackling global challenges and promoting sustainable development, and strategic partnerships in the fields of agriculture, renewable energy and digitalisation facilitate technology transfer and foster inclusive economic growth, the Italian Embassy in Dakar said in a note, stressing that
these issues were the focus of the forum on 25 February at the Amadou Mahtar Mbow University (Uam) in Dakar, organised by the Senegalese Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (Mesri), in collaboration with the delegations of the European Union (Due) in Senegal and the African Union (AU).
Opening the proceedings were Jean-Marc Pisani, EU Ambassador to Senegal, and El Hadji Abdourahmane Diouf, Minister of Mesri. During the day, a panel of academic and business experts discussed the impact of European international cooperation on strengthening the research and innovation system in Senegal.
In this context, Eugenio Cavallo, Scientific Attaché at the Italian Embassy, illustrated the opportunities offered by the programmes promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Embassy to foster scientific collaboration between Senegal and the Italian research and innovation system. Thanks to these initiatives, Italian universities and research institutions hosted 20 established researchers and professors for short study stays and 10 PhD students and young researchers for nine-month research programmes.
Birama Sene shared his experience as a beneficiary of the latter programme, carrying out research in the laboratories of the Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona. Italy, with its scientific excellence, is actively contributing to the partnership between the European Union and Senegal in the field of research and innovation, strengthening competitiveness and creating new opportunities for scientists and businesses. This commitment confirms the country's willingness to participate in building a sustainable future based on knowledge sharing and innovation, the note concludes.