Yesterday ended the training course entitled "From techniques to (glotto)technologies: 'old', 'new' and 'regenerated' tools for teaching Italian as a foreign language", organised by the Macedonian Association of Italian Teachers, with the financial support of the Italian Embassy in Skopje and Maeci.
Giving the news in a note, the Embassy spoke of two wonderful days of training, led by the exceptional trainer, Prof. Rossella Abbaticchio, an expert in the didactics of Italian LS/L2. After the short diachronic pathway to the language of the web, CALL, MALL, CMC, it was also possible to hear the experiences of the two case studies from different Italian universities. The in-depth observations, the shared experiences showed that glottotechnologies, as didactic tools, can and must be present in the classroom, especially in the language classroom, they are useful, effective and functional teaching tools, if they are well calibrated and calibrated. The course was fruitful, stimulating and motivating.