Ambassador Fabrizio Bucci participated today by videoconference in the general assembly of the Sign association (Scienziati Italiani in Germania Network) and became its honorary president, the Italian Embassy announced in a statement.
The ambassador emphasised the 'extraordinary relevance of the collaboration between Italy and Germany in the leading sectors of technological innovation and scientific research, as well as the leading role played by Italian scientists and researchers in Germany'.
"We are honoured to welcome Ambassador Bucci as Honorary President of our Association. His appointment strengthens our commitment to promoting scientific cooperation between Italy and Germany,' said Sign President Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti. The Sign association, founded in October 2022, currently brings together 50 scholars with the aim of fostering networking and cooperation between Italian researchers and German institutions, promoting joint scientific projects and supporting the professional development of the Italian-German academic and industrial community.
Italy represents the second largest international scientific community in German universities with 4,439 researchers, 340 of whom are university professors. In addition, Italians constitute the third national group in the largest German research institutes (Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Helmholtz, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Leibniz Gemeinschaft), with 1,385 researchers, bringing the total number of Italian nationals engaged in academic and extra-academic research in Germany to around 5,800.