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Italy and Qatar against illicit trafficking of cultural goods

Italy and Qatar against illicit trafficking of cultural goods

Ambassador Toschi: 'partner for many years in cooperation

ROMA, 13 September 2024, 11:04

ANSA English Desk



Combating illicit trafficking in cultural assets was the focus of the 3rd International Conference on the subject, organised by the Qatar National Library in cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Doha, as well as the French and US Embassies. This was reported by the Farnesina website. The event, which has seen Italy at the forefront since the first edition, has allowed "to train, with the aim of 'capacity building', an audience of experts and officials in the field of police, customs control and management of cultural heritage from the entire Middle East area, thanks to the experience put at the service of the conference partner countries," starting with Italy. The initiative - it was explained - is part of the 'Himaya' project, initiated by the Minister of State and President of the Qatar National Library Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al Kawari, with which the library has become a regional centre of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), distinguishing itself nationally and in the Gulf area for its numerous activities aimed at enhancing capacities in the area of countering trafficking in cultural assets, protection and prevention.
    The focal point of this edition - which featured 24 speakers from different professional backgrounds - was the strengthening of the legal and legislative framework for combating the illicit trafficking of cultural property and the related institutional capacity building at the international level. For this edition, the Italian Embassy was present with 3 speakers: from Prof. Manlio Frigo, Lawyer at Bonelli Erede and Professor of International Law at the University of Milan to Dr. Giuliana Ciriello, Director of the Ministry of Culture, and Marshal Antonella Spagnuolo, Carabiniere of the Cultural Heritage Protection Unit, "a real flagship of the Italian System in the field of preventing and combating trafficking in historical and artistic heritage".
    "The Italian Embassy in Doha and the Qatar National Library," said Ambassador Paolo Toschi on the sidelines of the event, "are partners united by many important cultural cooperation projects. Among these, Himaya constitutes tangible proof of our shared commitment to the protection of cultural heritage, with Italy having been one of the main players in the initiative since its first edition'. "In times of international instability," he concluded, "we are proud to be able to share our experience in the sensitive issue of the trafficking of cultural heritage in Qatar and throughout the Middle East region. All this in order to prevent illicit circulation and promote the resilience and operational capacity of local institutions,' he concluded.


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