The supreme Court of Cassation has
been "disgraceful" in ordering the government to pay
compensation to migrants who weer prevented from disembarking
from coastguard ship Diciotti in 2018, Deputy Premier, Transport
Minister and anti-migrant League party leader Matteo salvini
said Friday.
Salvini, whose closed ports policy as then interior minister was
the cause of the failure to let the migrant off the ship, called
the Cassation's verdict "another invasion of the field" after
recent sentences which the government has characterised as
stepping over the judiciary's remit and into the world of
"If there is a judge who loves illegal immigrants so much, he
should welcome them into his home and support them," said
Salvini, who was acquitted in another case of migrants being
'abducted' by his policy.
"Who knows if in front of the splendid Cassation building they
set up a nice Roma camp and a nice refugee center, maybe someone
would change their minds...".