Premier Giorgia Meloni shouldn't
attack high court judges who have ordered the government to pay
compensation to migrants stopped from landing from the Diciotti
coastguard ship in 2018 in order to allegedly cover up the
failures of her migrant policies, centre-left opposition
Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein said Friday.
"Giorgia Meloni continues to fuel the conflict with the
judiciary to cover up the failures of her government," said
Schlein, referring to a string of rulings that have gone against
the government on its innovative but controversial policy of
processing migrants in Albania.
"But the Supreme Court is the last instance of judgment, as
established by the Constitution, which does not change based on
her mood. It is not possible that the government should attack
sentences every day".
"What distances citizens from institutions" - she added - "is a
public health system that is being hit with a pickaxe by the
cuts of her government, they are starvation wages, they are the
almost billion euros of taxpayers squandered in Albania to build
empty prisons: in the meantime, the price of her choices
continues to be paid by Italians".
The would-be processing centres in Albania have been left empty
after the detention of three batches of migrants was scotched by
the courts pending a European Court of Justice ruling on safe