Gender policy

This document defines the principles and guidelines of the ANSA Agency's Gender Policy, aimed at promoting the integration and implementation of the culture of gender equality in the Agency's processes and daily actions.

ANSA in recent years has intensified its level of attention towards gender equality, respect for diversity and inclusion. Its independence, reliability and authority are based on ethical and professional principles that have made it the first Agency in Italy in terms of size, Network and capillarity.

The values and principles set out in the Agency's Statute, whose social activity must take place " in the climate of democratic freedoms guaranteed by the constitution, with criteria of rigorous independence, impartiality and objectivity " , are confirmed in the Ethics Code which refers to respect for workers' rights and the professionalism of each of them and establishes that "the valorization and growth of human resources takes place in consideration of the skills and abilities of individuals, without any discrimination, foreseeing and implementing appropriate training and/or requalification actions ".

The Agency's journalists are required to comply with specific rules of professional ethics that are based on the rights established by the Italian Constitution and adhere to the Consolidated Text on Journalist Duties (updated in 2021), which establishes respect for gender differences and duties towards minors, vulnerable individuals and foreigners.

Within the framework of the principles and values mentioned above, ANSA intends to undertake positive policies and actions that promote a greater implementation of the principles of gender equality and inclusion, also pursued through the constant and timely application of a management system compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

This Policy is inspired by the United Nations Global Compact, together with the commitment to respect and support its Ten Principles relating to human rights, labor standards, the environment, the fight against corruption and discrimination, also in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) for the 2030 Agenda, with reference to the adoption of corporate policies on gender equality. The Policy is also inspired by the principles of Communication COM n. 152 of 5 March 2020 of the European Commission and is in line with the themes of UNI PdR 125/2022, included in the conceptual framework of the WEPs (Women's Empowerment Principles), an initiative of the UN Global Compact and UN Women, which ANSA formally joined in February 2024 and through which the Agency aims to enhance and promote the presence and equal opportunities of women in the workplace, the market and the community in which the Company operates. The WEPs are the framework to which the Agency refers in defining internal gender strategies, but also in relations with external stakeholders.

ANSA believes it is essential to apply an inclusive, meritocratic and equal corporate culture to all processes and to this end it is committed to:

  • ensure an inclusive environment, respectful of diversity, through equal treatment of all women and men in the workplace, respecting and supporting human rights and non-discrimination, through awareness-raising actions, training on equal opportunities issues, unconscious bias and diversity management;
  • recognize, accept, promote and enhance gender equality at all levels and in all contexts, contributing to always establish a working climate that promotes discussion, collaboration and participation for the generation of ideas and solutions, without distinction of gender;
  • adopt meritocratic career development policies that ensure equal opportunities for professional growth in a context free from discrimination and respectful of gender equality, aiming for high-level corporate leadership for gender equality;
  • disseminate, through internal and external awareness-raising and information actions, including towards stakeholders, the principles adopted for an inclusive and equal culture, free from any prejudice, which respects the dignity of women and men, generating values and good practices that can be an example in the context of the sector;
  • ensure serenity, safety and well-being in the workplace for all employees, prevent and address all forms of violence and sexual harassment at work;
  • counter harmful gender-based stereotypes in its information channels, corporate materials and internal and external communications, systematically respecting the dignity of women and men;
  • adopt policies that ensure that genders are equally represented among panelists at roundtables, events, conferences or other informational or editorial events;
  • measure and publicly report on progress towards gender equality, monitoring and addressing any misalignments.

Each person in the Agency in their daily actions is required to commit, with coherence and transparency, to put into practice the values and contents of the Ethics Code, as well as the principles defined in this Policy, in order to respect, promote and enhance diversity and to constantly carry out actions aimed at their maximum inclusion. This declaration, defined by the Top Management in coordination with the Equal Opportunities Committee, is shared with the staff and reviewed periodically, during the Management Reviews. It is addressed to all employees and shared with all the main stakeholders, suppliers and customers and is available on the company website. The responsibility for its implementation is entrusted to the Equal Opportunities Committee.

The principles and rules of conduct defined in this document constitute control measures also for the purposes of preventing the risks of crime pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, implementing the provisions of the Organization, Management and Control Model adopted by the Company pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 (Model 231) and the Ethics Code. Anyone who becomes aware of any violations is required to promptly report them using the methods indicated on the Whistleblowing page on the website